AMAZING Holiday Gift Sets for Every Makeup Junkie in Your Life... Or Yourself
Lipstick, glitter, eyeshadow, glitter, blush, glitter, bronzer and GLITTER! The holidays are fast approaching, and no makeup look during...

6 Budget Friendly Holiday Gift Ideas
It’s the holiday season and while it may bring lots of joy, it does come with a price. Gift giving is not easy, especially when you are a...

Make the Most of Your Time This Holiday Season with Fun Party Games
While hot chocolate and twinkly lights definitely get you in the Christmas spirit, nothing says it’s the holiday season more than friends...

Gift Ideas to Give to Hosts This Holiday Season
With the holiday season approaching, visits to family and friends' homes for fun gatherings are approaching. The polite thing to do when...

Mardi Gras & Carnival: The Biggest and Most Stylish of All Party Seasons
As Carnival season comes to a close at midnight on Mardi Gras, we celebrate the ultra unique style that the two-week long celebrations...

5 of the Best Red Lipsticks for the Holidays
From the Hollywood starlets of the 1930’s to Taylor Swift, red lips are a staple look for many women. With finals over and the holiday...

Sweater Weather is Better Weather
At Mammaw and Pappaw’s farm, there’s a growing family of 30 plus people (including me), elbow to elbow, getting ready to eat turkey,...