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Glam Glow Review

In recent years there has been an increased hype on skincare products like facemasks, offering to remove blackheads, clean skin, and minimize pores. With the rise of skin care products comes the growth of brands that dominate the market. If you are a makeup guru or care about your skin there are some brands you will be familiar with. I am here to review and provide feedback on the Glamglow products which have become very popular. To get an overall feel for the variety of products I went to Sephora and purchased the Glam Glow Paint the Town Set which includes the most popular products.

In the set, it contains different types the gravity mud product and the glitter masks. The product advertises to be good for all skin types from oily to dry skin types. It also promotes itself as a solution for fullness, loss of elasticity and pores. It also said that in a study done on 151 people who used these products twice a week that 92% felt firmer skin and 91% said their skin looked tighter and tones.

Given that we don’t know if all of this marketing was true or not I tested out the product myself. I decided to apply the Pink Glitter Mask firming treatment, and I left it on for about 25 minutes. I liked how it felt on my face, and the mask came with a brush which made application really easy. When it came to taking it off, it was a peel-off mask which I prefer, and the mask did not pull at my skin or hurt in any way while removing. After removal, my skin did feel a lot firmer, and I could visibly see a difference in skin tone whether my skin was a lot more even in complexion.

Some additional perks to this product were the price and what you get for the price. This set was just under $70, and it comes with 7 masks as well as brushes. This is perfect if you're trying to figure out which products work the best for you. Overall, I think Glam Glow is deserving of the high praise it receives on social media, and it is worth the higher price point. They focus on little details such as the coconut scent, the visually appealing packaging, and the tools for application.

All of these things set this company and their products above the competitors, and therefore I would rate this a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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