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Keeping Up with Krime: Kim's Robbery and the Influence of Social Media

I’m sure most of you have heard by now that Kim Kardashian-West was robbed at gunpoint in her supposedly safe Paris hotel room on Sunday night. Kim was reportedly bound and gagged, 11 million dollars worth of jewelry was stolen including her second engagement ring, and Kanye stopped a concert literally mid-song due to a “family emergency,” now understood to be Kim’s rattling experience.

As scary as the robbery had to have been for Kim, who apparently begged for her life, social media has resorted to its usual antics. Sure, Kim’s life is literally a reality show, but was this incident staged? Why weren’t there more security guards for such a huge star? Was it Kim’s fault for having – and showing off – such valuable jewelry?

Let’s pause right there. Everyone knows that Kim Kardashian-West is filthy rich. You don’t need to see her Snapchats to find that out. It’s literally Kim’s job to be wealthy and show off her luxurious lifestyle, so of course she’ll have incredibly expensive possessions. If you had a closet full of designer clothes, would you choose to wear clothes from Walmart? And is she supposed to take off her wedding ring just because it’s so many carats? In the words of Cher Horowitz, I don’t think so!

Another aspect to consider is Kim’s massive amount of exposure. Her fame has been built on exposure through television, photo shoots and yes, that sex tape. But perhaps the biggest factor has been social media. Kim is highly active on Instagram and Snapchat, sharing almost every aspect of her life with her fans – and apparently potential robbers. Some people blame this exposure for the Paris incident, with some people even joking that the gunmen should have taken the extra step and rid the world of “mediocrity.”

Let’s take another pause for stupidity. I’ll save my opinions on Kim’s supposed “mediocrity” for another time (for now I’ll just say she must be doing something right to be so rich and famous). What I want to emphasize is that like other crime victims, Kim never asked to be robbed. However, there are risks that need to be recognized regarding exposure on social media, not just for celebrities but for regular people going on vacation, showing off new buys, flaunting a pay check, etc. Any time you post in real time, people can see if you’re away from home – a prime time to take what they please.

While I doubt Kim will reduce her social media exposure, she will surely take extra precautions to avoid another incident. She has already ramped up her security measures, with a show of guards and a police escort to her NYC apartment as opposed to just one Paris bodyguard (who happened to be guarding Kendall and Kourtney at the time of the robbery). Kim hopefully won’t let this incident deter her from traveling, as that would be the true robbery.

As far away as the celebrity – no less, the Kardashian – world might seem, it is important for us regular folks to remember that they are still people, and they have the same risk – if not more – of being a victim. With Kim’s extreme level of fame, this incident could have easily turned into a Gianni Versace, Selena Quintanilla-type tragedy. With stalkers, robbers and paparazzi, celebrities have to be alert at all times, and even one slip, as seen in Kim’s case, can lead to devastating consequences. And for anyone thinking of posting a snarky comment on social media, remember that Kim is a mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend – maybe not to us personally, but to someone.

As ridiculous as the Kardashians can be, they don’t deserve to be harassed, assaulted or robbed, and we shouldn’t make light of something that we would all undoubtedly be shaken by. On the other hand, expect to see this on the next episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Editors note: Upon learning more details of the robbery and realizing that the new season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians is coming up, it is a good possibility that the whole incident is a publicity stunt. It's certainly the most opportune time considering the upcoming premiere. We may never know the truth of what really happened, but despite differing opinions, we can all agree that the Kardashians are no victims when it comes to the press. They have orchestrated every aspect of their lives to achieve the amount of fame they have now, so I certainly wouldn't put it past them to manipulate us and the press into believing that Kim was actually in danger. Whether the robbery was real or not, social media still remains an undoubtable source of power for celebrities and speculators, alike.

Learn more about the details of the robbery here:

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