12 Instagram Photos You Can Take this Christmas

If you don’t Instagram (or at least Snapchat) your holiday adventures, did they even happen? With so many Christmas traditions, it’s hard NOT to take at least one good holiday photo. But, maintaining your Insta aesthetic is essential, and who better to guide us than social media experts themselves: celebrities. See the different types of Insta photos – tried and tested by our favorite celebs – that you can take yourself this Christmas.
The Kardashian – Otherwise known as the big family Christmas photo, this picture is the go-to Insta photo. You don’t have to worry too much about your background since the focus will be your family, but it can be difficult getting everyone in different positions. Since it’s Christmas, the fashion will be more cohesive than other times, so there’s no better time to get your Kardashian Christmas card on.

The Awkward Family Photo – There’s the Kardashian family photo, and then there’s this. Genuinely awkward family photos should be avoided for Instagram purposes, but if you want a funny Insta pic that’s sure to get a lot of laughs (and likes), be purposeful with your awkwardness.
The Pajama – What would Christmas be without cozy new pajamas to open presents in? Pajama pics are perfectly relaxed and (seemingly) effortless, and pajama fashion has become incredibly chic. You can take a cute pajama pic under the tree or you can go for a more interpretive look like Kendall and Khloe to the right.
The Ugly Christmas Sweater – Ah, yes, the ugly Christmas sweater. Perhaps the most popular among college students, you’ll most likely see plenty of these on your Insta feeds. They’re playful and carefree, but be warned: any Christmas sweater pics will likely blend in with the rest of them on Instagram. If you have a truly magnificent ugly Christmas sweater, sure, join the party. But if you want to stand out, opt for a different, more unique Christmas pic.

The Thoughtful Christmas Selfie – If you’re a selfie-posting person, or if your Christmas makeup is really just bomb.com, this might be the Insta pic for you. Just pay attention to the lighting and angle and you’ll be golden.
The Tree Pic – Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, you make for a great Instagram! Whether your Christmas tree is gold, silver, red, white or green, a nicely decorated tree (with lots of sparkle) is the perfect recipe for a holiday Instagram.
Playing in the Snow – If you’re lucky enough to have winter wonderland on Christmas, a snow selfie is a must. Throwing snow in the air, making a snow angel, blowing a snow kiss, the options for Insta pics – or Boomerangs – are endless.
Christmas on the Beach – There are those of us that enjoy a snowy Christmas, and then there are those that spend the holidays under the sun. After all, you don’t have to be all bundled up to have a Merry Christmas!

Showing Off your Christmas Gifts – Social media these days is all about showing off – how much fun you’re having, where you are on vacation, and during the holiday season, what you got for Christmas. For those who don’t care to show off on Instagram, take notes from Alessandra Ambrosio to the right. Great lighting, under the Christmas tree, and totally unapologetic.
Couple’s Kiss Under the Mistletoe – Perhaps one of the cheesiest Christmas pics, you’d think this one would only apply to couples in love. But no; even if you’re glaringly single, you can still make a joke out of this oh-so-frustrating holiday tradition.
The Christmas Feast – Eating piles of yummy food is arguably the best part of the holiday season. A well-lit picture of all your Christmas food can break up the monotony of Instagram selfies and group pictures – just remember to enjoy eating it!
The Post-Christmas Recovery – The holidays can be exhausting for anybody, but as Rihanna demonstrates, the post-Christmas recovery can be equally fabulous. The trick to this photo: staying in the holiday spirit.