Beauty Rituals for Post-Spring Break Recovery

Spring break is far from over, but even with the sun, the sand and that perfect beach glow, you should still be thinking of your skin. Whether you’ve been baking in the sun all week without so much as a hat or you’ve been diligently applying sunscreen, your skin will need a good rejuvenation before you head back to school. Here’s how to achieve it:
Apply sunscreen. The week is still young, so even if you haven’t been using sunscreen, it’s never too late to start. Prevention is key to protecting your skin from sun damage. Even if you still want to tan, you should still use a tanning lotion with sunscreen in it. Use a lip balm with SPF in it, too, to prevent dry, sunburnt lips.
Drink plenty of water. With all the sun (and maybe booze) that your body is being exposed to over spring break, hydration is essential to a quick recovery, especially for your skin. The usual recommendation is about half a gallon each day, but with the beach and parties, it wouldn’t hurt to drink even more water than that.

Moisturize generously. As the water you drink will hydrate you from the inside, it’s also important to hydrate your skin on the surface. If you’re really sunburnt, use aloe vera gel and a deep moisturizer. For regular use, invest in a light moisturizer and apply it twice daily. This will keep your skin hydrated without the thick greasiness of other creams. You should also avoid overwhelming your skin with excessive creams and chemicals. When it comes to skin products, less is more.
Use minimal makeup. Since you probably have a tan and you’re on ~vacation~, makeup is probably the last thing on your mind, which is a good thing for your skin. If you do want to glam up, skip the foundation and powder (it’s probably too light for your new tan anyway) and spend more time on the eyes and lips. Don’t go overboard, though, as dark makeup on vacation looks less carefree and effortless.
Get plenty of sleep. I get it, you’re on spring break, you’re with your friends, you don’t want to miss anything. But sleep, especially after your big vacation, will help your body recover from whatever it went through during the week. Be sure not to sleep too much though, as you’ll feel sluggish and your sleep schedule will suffer.
Exfoliate, but only if your skin can handle it. Especially if your skin is sensitive or sunburnt, you should probably skip exfoliating. If you do choose to exfoliate, do it sparingly – once or twice a week – and not every day. Don’t forget to include your lips, too. Use a homemade sugar scrub and plenty of Vaseline to exfoliate your lips and make them softer than ever.

Try a homemade face or hair mask. Use natural ingredients rather than a store-bought face mask, as non-natural face masks typically have chemicals that can irritate your skin. Popular ingredients include lemon and honey, avocado and honey, cucumber, and green tea. Coconut oil is also a great hair mask to make your hair shiny and soft after a week of salt water and sun.
Eat lots of power foods. Even if you’re not a health nut (is anyone, really?), foods like avocado, almonds, sweet potatoes and oatmeal will not only give you plenty of health benefits, but they will give your skin a natural glow. You can even use your leftovers for the face masks mentioned above!
Visit a spa either while on vacation or after you get home. A facial and/or massage will promote blood circulation and the oils they use will help moisturize and improve your skin. Plus you’ll be super relaxed for your return back to school!