When Studying Abroad Isn't What You Expected

I hate to say it, but studying abroad was not the trip I expected.
I believe the most common thing you hear from someone when you ask about their experience abroad is that it was the most life-altering trip of their life. Regardless of this being true or not for some people, my experience was honestly tougher that I imagined.
Studying abroad was the most challenging trip I have ever experienced. No, it wasn't ideal at all times, but it helped me to discover who I am and what I am capable of. And because of that, my study abroad experience was life changing after all.
This past summer, I went to London, England. Upon arrival, I traveled to Shoreditch, by tube, to stay with one of my friends who had been studying abroad there for an entire semester. I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones because I had a connection in London prior to the start of my program. This eased me into the culture shock I wasn't entirely ready for.
My friend Maddie helped me through my first two days, showing me the coolest parts of Shoreditch, known as the trendy, creative hub in London. We visited the markets and saw the cutest bakeries, shops, and pubs. I fell in love with Shoreditch instantaneously.
A few days later, I finally met with my study abroad group. We were stationed in Archway, a quiet residential area in London. Looking at our itinerary, we saw that our two weeks were jam-packed with class meetings, agency tours, and guest speakers. I was looking forward to the class project due toward the end of the trip; one that would actually be published and used for my professional portfolio.
Even though I loved the lectures, the biggest lesson I learned did not derive from our class meetings and group excursions. I found that I learned more about being by myself in one of the most diverse and innovative cities in the world. Each time I stepped away from my study abroad group and adventured through the city alone, I saw things that most "tourists" would never see. I immersed myself in art museums, stumbled upon alleyways where street artists were performing, and even became friends with one of the locals.
I had time to walk through one of the most beautiful cities in the world alone and truly reflect on the life in which I was living and the life I wanted to live. I was able to sit down and think about what I wanted to accomplish and brainstormed various ways in which I could do so.
In reality, the trip bent me and broke me to get me to the best version of myself possible. And I can't think of a livelier city to experience all of this in.
To sum it up, studying abroad in London was not the trip of a lifetime, but it was the trip that I desperately needed. While I was only there for two weeks, I can see how much it impacted my life and how I have become a better, more independent person from it.
Traveling to any foreign country can, and will, open up some amazing opportunities for you. I could go on to talk about how you should study abroad, but that has already been established. If you don't study abroad, you're missing out on what you should be experiencing in the prime of your life.