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Dressing the Part for Career Fairs on Campus

It wouldn’t surprise me if you didn’t know that September 22 was Business Women’s Day! What better way to celebrate women and women empowerment than that? Now that fall semester is in full swing there are a lot of career fairs that will be going on throughout the year. Although these fairs are in our best interest, they always seem to happen right in between your classes. How do we keep it business casual, trendy and comfortable?

I have a few suggestions one way to stand out in the crowd with a popular trend right now is neon. Though summer is quickly coming to a close, neons are a great way to brighten up the fall. This trend is on the rise, it is also just a nice way to put some life into the boring black and blue suits. A bright color paired with traditional neutral crisp hues makes for a vibrant twist and a conversation starter.

Another way to keep comfortable and professional would be to invest in a pointed toe shoe whether it be flat or heeled it makes any look instantly sleek. Playing with both color and fabric you will surprise the people around you. These shoes are extremely versatile and can be worn with everything from cropped pants, slacks, and skirts all season long.

Lastly, is comfort. It is still pretty warm outdoors in Kentucky and freezing cold inside of the classroom buildings, a simple trick to this is to wear a breathable blouse or dress under a blazer. While you are in class you can stay warm, look professional and ready for that career fair. Once it is time to head home you can take off the jacket and have a bit of a breather. Also for an extra touch, one small thing you could add is a mini scarf around the handle of your briefcase or handbag. You can use it to tie your hair up when it’s hot or even around your neck if it’s a warm fabric. Now the scarf becomes both fashion and function!

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