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Anonymous Question Column: Health and Stress

Question: How can you avoid the toll that stress takes on a body? (i.e. breakouts, weight gain, lower immune system, etc.)

Answer: Stress is a full body experience.

How many of you have experienced stress this week or even today? Yeah, that’s what I thought. I have too. Whether your stress is coming from exams, school assignments, friendship woes, relationship turmoil, family concerns, or even just about how UK football is going to do this season we all experience it.

Believe it or not, stress can actually be a healthy part of our life. Think back to a time where you may have had an approaching deadline you were worried about and you used that stress to crank out the work you needed. By converting that stress into productivity you were able to accomplish the work and relieve that stress! However, most of the time stress has more negative side effects than positive ones. Let’s look at how stress can affect our body.

• Weight loss or gain

• Acne

• Fatigue

• Decreased immunity

• Insomnia or excessive sleeping

• Headaches

• GI upset

• Sore muscles

• Loss of sexual desire

Yikes! I am here to provide you with some ways to combat these nasty side effects of stress and maintain a healthy balance. Let’s start with a healthy diet. In college, I know it can be very difficult to eat healthily and resist that midnight pizza order and downing a pint of ice cream whenever you are stressed. Start by making small changes, such as drinking more water and eating fruits and vegetables with every meal. Decreasing fats, sugar, and carbohydrates will also assist in weight control. This doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself with something yummy every now and again! By modifying your diet you can combat weight issues, fatigue, immunity issues, GI upset, and even sleep. Make sure to stick to 3 meals a day and have healthy snacks when you are hungry between meals. Try drinking 8oz of water instead of a snack.

Another common issue is sleep and fatigued minds and bodies. Ensure that you set a bedtime each night and stick to it! It’s also imperative that you get 7-8 hours of sleep at night! Forget the late night Netflix and try reading just before bed, and when the alarm goes off don’t even think about reaching for SNOOZE! Before bed always make sure to wash and moisturize your face to prevent breakouts and keep your skin feeling fresh!

Exercise is another fantastic way to battle stress. Not only is it great for physical health but it can actually help with mental health as well, including sexual desire. Make sure that you are getting 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily. Include things such as stretching, yoga, and swimming to keep your muscles loose.

These are small but mighty ways to battle the effects stress has on your body. Remember it’s all about balancing a healthy lifestyle and treating yourself. Try not to let stress consume you in college. Should you fall victim at least you can look and feel good while battling it!

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