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Korean Beauty Tips

Korean women have been notorious for aging gracefully since the dawn of time. Their beauty regime goes back centuries where their ancestors discovered the real secret to looking beautiful. So, what is their big secret you ask? Their secret is skin deep – literally. For Korean women, having a young and healthy skin is their number one priority to looking beautiful. Keep reading to find out their tips and tricks for flawless skin.

1. Double-cleanse

Cleansing is a two-step process – once with an oil-based cleanser and follow up with a water-based cleanser to remove the oil. Double cleansing is used to make sure you remove all the dirt off your skin.

2. Exfoliate

This step is not for every day, but it’s important to remove dead skin cells at least twice a week. Skipping this step can result in a dull-looking appearance. Use a gentle exfoliator and try to avoid scrubbing your skin too harshly.

3. Toner

Apply a toner to balance out the skin’s pH levels to avoid dry and dehydrated skin. This step is especially important after exfoliation.

4. Essence

This is a concentrated formula that specifically targets wrinkles, fine lines, and dull and uneven skin tones. It’s a combination of a toner and a serum. Use this to help turn over skin cells for a youthful appearance.

5. Serum

Serums are a holy grail for Korean women. These concentrated formulas are pretty much the icing on the cake for their skin routine. It can treat dark spots, wrinkles, and dehydration. For beginners, start off with a high-quality vitamin C serum.

6. Moisturizer

I’m sure you’re catching on the pattern here, but hydration is the key to having flawless and radiant skin. Apply a moisturizer that has a maximum hydrating effect to soothe over your skin.

7. Face Massage

Massages aren’t just for your body, it’s for your face too! After your moisturizer, pamper your face by giving yourself a massage. This increases blood circulations and oxygen flow to the facial muscles and skin. It encourages the development of collagen which breaks down as we age. Just remember, always move upwards, never down.

8. Sunscreen

Apply sunscreen of at least 30 SPF if you are doing a morning skin routine. Even during the winter, it’s important to protect your skin from UV rays to avoid the development of dark spots and wrinkles.

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