Why You Should Rush in the Spring
Rushing a sorority is costly, time-consuming, and stressful. But rushing a sorority is also fun, exciting, life-changing, and is worth every penny!
However, it is so much more than just a jumble of emotions.
Experiencing rushing a sorority is something I will never forget. Three things that come to my mind when thinking back on my rush experience are running, sweat, and smiles. I can truly say that after my experience, I found so many new attributes about myself I never knew I possessed. Compare rushing to girl flirting for an entire week. All of us PNMs (Potential New Members) felt so welcomed and we were surrounded by good vibes for a week straight. Regardless of your opinion on sorority life, it is important to cut through what people have not rushed say about it, and hear about it from someone who actually has. I did end up getting a bid from my number one sorority since the beginning. I was elated when I opened my card on Bid Day. There is no better feeling than knowing all your hard work has paid off. That's what it feels like to open your bid and run home to hundreds of new sisters.
However, this is not the case for everyone. I understand the anxiety levels and commitment issues that come with the experience. If this is something that held you back from rushing in the fall, consider spring rush. Spring rush will be a great experience if you like a more lowkey setting and take pride in not running around like a chicken with their head cut off trying to find 300 of your new best friends in one week.
If you thought sorority life wasn't for you this fall, or if the thought of rushing with a thousand other random girls gave you anxiety, consider rushing one of the great sororities this university has to offer through spring rush. I truly believe that there is a home for everyone here on campus, and once you find that home there will be no better feeling than realizing these are your sisters for life. The special bond you will create and keep with these empowering women for the rest of your life makes "rushing" look like a piece of cake!