Welcome Back, Baker Boy Hat

We have seen this hat depicted in musicals and our history books, but I never thought I would see this accessory become a revived trend. This mystery hat that I am talking about is the baker boy hat. It originated in Italy and Britain and was worn by the “working class” in the early 1900s. We are starting to see trends come back from the 70s and 80s, but I do not think we ever thought current fashion would travel back this far. So, why has this hat made a come-back?
The main reason this trend is thriving is that social media influencers and models are picking it up off the runways in Europe. When I saw models Gigi Hadid and Romee Stridg post Instagram selfies in them, I knew I had to get one. However, I was somewhat scared to buy this hat at first and I think a lot of people are as well. This hat is unique and bold and can make you wary of wearing it on a southern college campus. But not in the city. The typical hats I see when walking to class are baseball caps. But, the baker boy is giving us fashionistas a new go-to item in our closet that looks flattering on everyone.
Because this accessory is eye-catching, many people struggle with how to style it, but it is really not as hard as people make it out to be. This hat is, in fact, very versatile. You can buy it in solid colors — black or tan — patterns — gingham or plaid — and also in different textures — corduroy.

The Baker Boy hat has been spotted at all sorts of popular events such as music festivals, fashion weeks, the streets of the city, and a day at the races. I wore my grey Baker Boy hat to Lollapalooza and Keeneland, which are two completely different social scenes. Yet, it still managed to work. The first step to ease your way into this piece is by actually grabbing the bold option. Surprising, I know, but the easiest way to step outside of your fashion comfort zone in a new item, I think, is to immediately go all out. This helps you not feel as hesitant to wear it next time in a more minimal outfit. Pair this hat with a printed pant or furry jacket and become an instant statement. For Lollapalooza, I wore yellow and white gingham cargo pants, a white crop top, and, most importantly, my grey Baker Boy hat. I was scared to wear it out at first, but the number of compliments I received and confidence I felt had me thinking about when I could wear my hat next.
The Baker Boy hat is not for everybody, but it could become a new favorite staple item for a wardrobe. Let’s get out of our comfort zone and try this trend. This $9 hat could be an end to a bad hair day to an absolute confidence booster.