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Why You Shouldn't Bring Work to Bed

While we all love the comfortable feeling of being at home, bringing your work into bed with you has been proven to have some negative effects.

Working from home is one thing but working in bed is another. Having that space in your room — a desk — or in your home — the kitchen table — that motivates you is ideal. I even find myself getting comfortable away from my home to get work done which can be a great way to separate work and the rest of your life. Here are some reasons why you shouldn't be working in bed.

In the 21st century, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of slouching our generation has encountered. Now working from your bed only heightens this problem. Though you may think you have propped yourself up nicely with pillows you are still putting tons of stress on your spine, in turn, resulting in chronic pain headaches and even difficulty breathing. You don't want this to occur when you are simply trying to get some work done.

When working in bed your body has associated this space with comfort and rest. So now that you have brought in work to your place of rest or laziness not only will your work be affected but your quality of sleep will also decrease when bringing your phone and laptop into bed with you. Looking at a bright screen for long periods of time reduces your melatonin a hormone that is needed in order for you to fall asleep. This, in turn, will reduce your productivity the next day because the quality of sleep has been lost making it a lose-lose situation. Even for the new day!

Affects your work-life balance.

Your home is supposed to be a space where you are away from the chaos of work and your bed is the place to clear your mind and unwind. When there is no clear separation of the two there is confusion made in your psyche. Maintaining a work-life balance helps reduce stress, prevents you from burning out in the workplace and keeps you, all around, healthier and more productive.

So when working, try to find a comfortable alternative to your bed!

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