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5 Ideas Other Than The Basic Christmas Gifts

Spending money on friends and family can be extremely hard when you’re a college student on a budget. In past years I’ve spent all of my end-of-the-year paychecks just on Christmas gifts. This year, I’m trying something new. Instead of the regular “Secret Santa” or regular gift giving events with my friends, I thought of some unique ideas. Check out some of my suggestions and try it out with your friends!

1. Christmas gift giving hunt

Instead of a regular “Secret Santa” and buying for that one particular person, try something like an Easter egg hunt but Christmas style. First, find somewhere that you can host the event. Second, tell your friends to buy at least two items. Before the event begins, get one friend to hide all the gifts throughout the place. Voila! Not only do you have a fun activity event for everyone but not everyone has to buy multiple gifts. Instead, you’re saving!

2. Pitch-in event

Sometimes gifts are not always apart of Christmas. If you really think about it, it’s more about spending time with friends and family. Instead of buying gifts, all of your friends can pitch-in on a particular place like bowling, the movies, or laser-tag. It can be extremely cheap if you have 5+ people going. Why spend $50 on friends for Christmas? What about $6 for a laser-tag night?

3. Make dinner and have a movie night

Pick a friends house to gather. Instead of spending money on gifts and going out to dinner, make dinner with friends. Have a bonding experience and pop a movie in while you’re at it. It’s completely free!

4. Baking Desserts

Baking desserts with your friends and family is fun. You all can pitch-in on all the baked goods you want to make. At the end of the night, you can exchange your desserts as a gift! Who doesn’t love baking and receiving desserts at the same time?

5. DIY Projects

I’ve done several DIY projects for Christmas and even birthday gifts. They are very cheap to make and even more personal. I personally love DIY canvases and wreaths for my home. You can make DIY projects by yourself to give out as gifts or even do an event with your friends!

I know that trying something different is hard especially with multiple people in a group but I'm sure you're not the only one saving this holiday season. Have fun!

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