Demolishing the "College Uniform"

We all have our lazy outfit days, but for me, they never really give me physical or mental confidence. I find that I am most confident and ready to take on the day when I am wearing an outfit that is fashionable and put together; however, I have noticed a lot of people feel uncomfortable with this idea of dressing trendy or cute to an everyday event like class. I am guilty of this feeling and I think it is because there is such a stigma on what you exactly have to wear in college. At many colleges, especially southern schools like the University of Kentucky, the college trends have literally become defined as yoga pants, oversized t-shirts/sweatshirts, and your basic running shoe. Do not get me wrong, these are very comfortable and I own many myself, but it takes away the idea from fashion. An outfit helps many of us define and portray our personality and who we are.
I remember walking around campus the first couple days of school in my running shorts and workout tank top, conforming to the college norm. I was comfortable physically, but mentally I knew I was not myself. I kept hesitating to dress how I actually do because I did not want to be stared at for walking to class wearing an outfit that was not like everyone else’s. But then I had a breaking point. As I decided to finally wear my cycling shorts to class, I received the glances and up-and-down looks, but I then realized maybe some are looking because they actually think it is a cool outfit or relate because they have that secret piece in their closet ready to come out. I know I am just one person and no celebrity, but I thought maybe if I dress cute to class, I can be a message and act as the “ok” to others feeling the same way. This could let others know that it is totally acceptable to dress confidently and fashionable no matter what the occasion.
In no means am I trying to degrade anyone who wears the typical college outfit because sometimes I do, too; it is convenient and cozy. But, we can turn this “lazy look” into fashion through slim-fit joggers, chunky sneakers, or a pair of mom jeans. Styling up an outfit just a tad can go a long way for your confidence, day, or a job interview. We can use these leggings and oversized t-shirts to portray our personalities. For example, oversized t-shirts are super fun and easy to crop. Crop a UK shirt with some leggings, jean jacket, sneakers, and you are already on track.
When I used to go shopping, I would pick a piece up and be like, “Oh, I could wear this to the city or to a nice restaurant,” but why do outfits that somewhat stand out only have to be for special occasions or venues? I started to change this mindset and have gotten so much more use out of my closet and self-confidence. Wearing an outfit that defines you is nothing to be ashamed of. It is something us college students should be embracing. Now is the time to discover ourselves and interests. What a great way to start through fashion?