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Checklist for Back to Campus Fashion

It seems almost juvenile to use the phrase “back to school” for a college setting, but it is nonetheless inevitable that we will return to campus – for better or worse. We have a little over a month to live it up this summer (aka work work work work work work) before school, but now is the prime time to get your ish together fashion-wise. If you procrastinate preparing for the most important aspect of college life – what you wear – you may very well find yourself ruining your favorite pair of UGGs because you didn’t have snow boots. To help avoid that, here’s a checklist that will at least cover the basics of back to school fashion:

1. T-shirts (short and long-sleeved), sweatshirts, shorts, and yoga pants – No explanation needed. These are ABSOLUTE must-haves.

2. Comfy shoes – Another uber-important but perhaps underestimated must-have for school is footwear. I certainly showed up my freshman year expecting to wear cute sandals to class every day, and I was sadly mistaken. Comfort is where it’s at – tennis shoes, supportive sandals (Birkenstocks and Chacos are campus favorites), and warm boots are essential. Weather-conscious shoes are also extremely important, especially as we get into the two-week-long rain sprees and winter not-so-wonderlands. The lesson here? Don’t waste your money on cuteness; comfort is a much better investment.

3. Workout wear – As if your everyday attire isn’t already just exercise wear that you don’t wear to exercise - it’s still important to at least pretend you’ll have a healthy lifestyle this semester. If anything else, you can just wear it to class and blend in with the rest of us.

4. Tailgating/Keeneland attire – Perhaps a big surprise for freshman is that people actually really dress up for football games (or at least tailgating). Dresses and rompers are commonly seen at such events, in UK blue of course, as well as Jack Rogers sandals or ankle boots. As for Keeneland (a popular venue for the month of October), nice, casual dresses and a good pair of wedge heels will do the trick. Keeneland selfie, anyone?

5. Some cute clothes – Let’s face it, the amount of real clothes that you wear will drastically decrease after high school. If high school was about being cute and abiding by the dress code (no leggings…really?), then college is about finally dressing for the comfort that you deserve. The majority of college attire is shorts and t-shirts, but there are still times when cute clothes come in handy – parties…well, parties). Jeans, crop tops, and those shirts made of fabric that is just not welcoming at all will most likely sit in your closet most of the semester, but you should still bring some just in case.

6. Some professional clothes – Professional clothing will also most likely collect dust throughout the semester, but you may find yourself preparing for an interview for which you need to be well-dressed. It’s always a good idea to bring at least one pair of dress pants, a few nice shirts and a blazer in case an opportunity arises.

7. If you’re in a sorority, a decent supply of dresses is critical for sisterhood events (and especially recruiting). The basics include both white and black dresses, but don’t be surprised if you need to buy more to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.

8. Rain wear – Kentucky is no stranger to rainy days (unfortunately for frizzy haired girls everywhere). Therefore, you need to come well prepared to handle the rain, sleet and snow that will without a doubt come to UK’s campus. That includes rain and snow boots, a durable rain jacket, and an umbrella with a windbreaker. A small, cheap umbrella just won’t do, especially near the POT where umbrellas go to die.

*Pro tip: If you know you’ll go home and/or see your parents before October, no need to bring winter clothes in August. But if not, scarves, sweaters, and poofy coats are essential to have on hand.

*Pro tip #2: You may have noticed that "a large amount of UK blue clothing" was not on the preceding list, which may seem surprising since that is what a majority of people wear on campus, off campus, at basketball games, and at...anything. However, the beauty of UK blue is that it’s EVERYWHERE in Lexington, so you can buy plenty when you get here.

For more tips on what you'll need for college, watch this video by fashion blogger Evelina!

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