Crossing The Invisible Line
We all have our own preferences with clothing, so why should we be limited to just one section of a store? While my goal is to give you...

Fun Ways to Style Eye-Catching Pieces
It can be difficult to step out of your comfort zone when shopping for clothing. Oftentimes, we choose the “safer option” by sticking to...
Finding the Right Fit
Finding the right fitting clothes can be really tricky especially considering we are in the era of online shopping. So how do you find...

Trend predictions for 2018
The new year is finally here and with it comes a whole array of new fashion trends! Here are KRNL’s fashion predictions for 2018:...

Winter Wear for College Students
It's time to dust off the boots and bring out the sweaters, winter has finally arrived! Winter is all about staying warm and being cute...

The Tricks and Treats of DIYs
Zombies, ghouls, goblins and ghosts; it’s Halloween time! Halloween is all about having fun and dressing up to be different characters...

Cheap or expensive, makeup is for everyone
“Darling, can you hand me that powder brush?” the mother asks from her high heels as her fascinated daughter watches admiringly. The...

Throw some 70s into your style
The 70s was an iconic time for fashion. This time period was known for the free spirit style, fun fabrics and interesting colors. Some...

The KRNL Guide to Dressing at UK
Many incoming students assume that dressing in college is just like dressing in high school, where everyone dresses up and puts together...

Stylish Hair Accessories to Try
Adding accessories in your hair is a great way to make a an outfit look more thought out and stylish. There are lots of different...