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What to Wear to UK Basketball Games

It’s finally here everyone. The screaming fans, the sea of blue, the adrenaline rush of not-so-friendly competition (that we actually tend to win). What is this glorious time of year, you might ask? BASKETBALL SEASON! Whether you’re a devoted basketball fan or not, you can’t escape the hype that is generated around campus every year. As fans cheer from all corners of Rupp Arena, you’ll soon learn that basketball games are much different than football games. Games are shorter (and far more interesting), and the dress code is much more casual than the tailgating-chic of football games. Here’s all you need to know:

1. This is NOT a football game. People don’t wear dresses or heels, so save those for the fall. Dress comfortably from top to bottom. The typical outfit is a UK blue t-shirt or basketball jersey, leggings and comfortable shoes. Uggs or Nikes are my favorite, but Chuck Taylors are also popular among fans. However, you should keep in mind where you’ll be sitting. If you’re in the eRUPPtion zone, you’ll be standing the entire game, so make sure you’re wearing shoes that will power you through.

2. Bring as little as possible. Especially if you’re in the eRUPPtion zone, you’ll have very little room and people might step on your things as the game proceeds. Small purses are better, and purses over a certain size are not even allowed in Rupp Arena. Umbrellas are also not allowed, so make the necessary arrangements for rainy game days.

3. Show your school spirit through accessories, makeup and hair. Blue beaded necklaces and Wildcat face stickers are classics, but you can also go bold by putting blue glitter in your hair! Simply mix hair gel with blue glitter and use a paint brush to gently apply it to your hair. Don’t go overboard, and don’t start at the roots. Braids work best, and you should make any glitter lines flow naturally into your hair. If it sounds like I know what I’m talking about, I do. This has been tried and tested – and it’s very popular with other fans!

4. Be smart with what you wear and don’t try too hard. This one should be a given, but apparently not for everyone. You’re most likely not going to attract a husband from the court, and you certainly don’t want others to think that that is your main purpose for coming to the games. Even if it is, at least wear some UK blue. You’re at a UK game, after all.

And one last non-fashion related pro tip for those who apparently don’t understand: people don’t pregame for basketball games. First of all, Kentucky is serious about its basketball, so true fans don’t need to get drunk to have a roaring time. Second, even if you don’t consider yourself a true fan, the people around you who do actually care certainly will not appreciate any obnoxious behavior, so just play it safe and have a good time naturally! You might even find that you’re a true blue fan after all.

In case you don't have enough reasons to be totally hyped for UK basketball, here's the video that was played for the crowd at Big Blue Madness!

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