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New Year, New 'do

The start of a new year always brings the desire to change things up. A popular change many partake in is getting a new haircut! Whether it be a new color, trim, bangs, or a full chop, here are some things to be aware of before going to the salon.

1. Make sure you actually want a new hairstyle- This is very crucial. Everyone at one point or another is guilty of saying they want a new haircut but in reality, they're just bored with their overall appearance. If this is the case, then spicing up your wardrobe might be the best idea. If you start considering a haircut or dying your hair, take some time to really think about it and make sure that this is what you want. Take some time to consider it and find a way to picture what you would look like.

2. Know what you want- This is so important not only for you, but also your hairstylist. Not knowing the exact haircut you want before setting up your appointment allows room for miscommunication and uncertainty which can then lead to you not being content with the cut. Some tips to make sure you know the exact look you want: make a Pinterest board of the cut or color you want or set up a consultation appointment with your hairdresser.

3. Consider your lifestyle- This tip is probably one that everyone (including myself) has at one time or another forgotten whilst getting a haircut. Depending on your desired haircut, there can be a lot of maintenance involved with it which may not line up to your lifestyle. Think about your daily activities and if it's possible to devote extra time to your hair if needed, or if it’s a comfortable style to have. If you work out and don’t like hair in your face, maybe getting bangs isn’t the best idea. Or if you have a very busy life where you don’t have much time or money to dedicate to monthly hair appointments, dying your hair an extreme color also may not be for you.

These tips aside, changing up your hair can be an intimidating and bold change but at the end of the day it is just hair and its fun to switch things up by stepping out of your comfort zone!

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