5 Easy Hairstyles for Natural Hair
Sometimes us naturals would like to spice up our hairstyle time from time. Rocking the curly fro is essential but switching it up is key...

Happy Curl. Happy Girl.
“I love my hair because it’s a reflection of my soul. It’s dense, it’s kinky, it’s soft, it’s textured, it’s difficult, it’s easy and...
New Year, New 'do
The start of a new year always brings the desire to change things up. A popular change many partake in is getting a new haircut! Whether...

On-the-Go Beauty Trends
As an on-the-go college gal, sometimes it’s up to whatever is in my purse to do the trick for the day. Luckily for those on the go like...

8 Must-Have Hair Products for Shower Addicts
To shower or not to shower? That is never the question for those of us who feel the need to shower every single day. Sure, hair experts...