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Finding the Right Fit

Finding the right fitting clothes can be really tricky especially considering we are in the era of online shopping. So how do you find the clothes with the perfect fit?

Here are three tips to help you out:

1. Know how you want your clothes to fit- There are lots of different styles and looks that people try to achieve so the first step is to know what you’re going for. Do you want looser fitting close? Tighter? Somewhere in the middle? Everyone has a particular taste in clothing and how it fits. Knowing what you want can help eliminate a lot that you are probably not interested in and save the hassle of picking through tons of clothing with a similar style but different fits.

2. Know your measurements- This tip is crucial especially when it comes to online shopping. It’s very easy to get your measurements and then be able to look at the “measurements section ” of the online store to see what size of clothing you should get. If you don’t know where exactly you should be measuring there are great tools online to help you to do so such as video tutorials.

3. Know your general size- this falls in with the last step to some extent. Be aware of your typical size. What are you generally an extra small, small, medium, large, extra large? Knowing what size you usually are can be very helpful for online shopping if measurements aren’t provided and even just eyeballing clothing at stores before trying it on.

Another important thing to note is that we are all different shapes and sizes. Not every single store is going to have your size for various reasons and the best trick is to look around as much as possible and do your research. Go to vintage/thrift stores, malls, and search online. It can be frustrating at times but be patient! These tips will definitely help in finding the right fitting clothes. There are several stores that cater to very specific body types or have lines that include whatever size you are.

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