Slay the School Day

Hello to all of my lovely beauty enthusiasts on campus! We're almost through the first full month of school and we're slowly getting back into our weekly routines. If you're anything like me, you struggle in the mornings. Personally, my sleep schedule is still a little out of wack from those late summer nights. The combination of a crazy sleep schedule, early morning classes, and trying to wake up early enough to look "presentable" is an everyday struggle. Somehow people manage to do it. Worry no more, I have some great tips that will help you look refreshed and ready to slay the school day!
Alright, the first step to having an effortless look in the morning is with effort. Yes, you heard me correct. You have to put in an effort to effortlessly slay. The second step is the easiest. You've probably even heard this from your mother growing up. PREPARE THE NIGHT BEFORE! I promise you, this will help you in the long run. Preparation has everything to do with your nightly routine. I'm not sure about you all, but I like to take my showers at night. It helps me relax and is the beginning of my nightly routine.
Okay, now that we've washed the day off the next step is our hair. I have super curly hair, so this step is extremely important to me. Depending on what look I'm going for I might do a twist out, braid out, Bantu knots, or straighten my hair if I feel like it. It doesn't matter which style you choose, just make sure you do your hair the night before class. Right now, my hair is in a protective style, so I don’t have to do much to it. Either way, if you do your hair the night before, you can just wake up, touch it up, and flip your hair all the way to class!
The next step has everything to do with your skin. This is probably my favorite part. Mostly, because I'm a sucker for a good face mask! Before we do that we need to take off our makeup. Now, this step can go before or after you take your shower. To each their own! I like to take off my makeup with makeup wipes. My favorite brand right now is "Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel Daily Refreshingly Clean Cleansing Cloths". I really like this brand because I have really sensitive skin. These makeup wipes are really gentle and they get the job done! The next step is to actually cleanse your face. I'm currently using the Clear Skin Cleansing Bar 3-In-1 Treatment by Urban Skin RX. I like to use this with the sponge it comes with or my Clarisonic Brush. This next step is my favorite, but it's also optional. You can do a face mask. My current obsession is sheet masks! I also like clay masks too. Be mindful of your skin type and use what works best for you. Following this step, you need to tone your skin then moisturize your face and neck. After you're done grooming, go ahead and pick out your outfit for the next day. This will complete your nightly routine.
After you’ve had your beauty rest, you should wake up feeling refreshed. Since you prepared the night before, you're halfway done. The first thing you should do to complete your morning grooming is washing your face, brushing your teeth, touching up your hair, etc. Once you've done this you can move on to beating that face, honey! Keep in mind that it’s the school week, so we don't have to do anything too special. It should be pretty easy since we're working with a prepped canvas. The look we’re going for is a fresh-faced, natural look. I like to focus on having a flawless complexion and beautiful brows. I like to either wear a BB cream or mix my foundation with a moisturizer for light coverage when I’m doing my makeup for class. Second, I fill in my brows to frame my face. (Brows are everything.) Third, I conceal under my eyes. Fourth, I put on mascara and my favorite lipgloss/lipstick. The last —but certainly not least— step is to highlight your nose, cheekbones and brow bone. I also like to do my Cupid's bow. This is a quick routine I came up with, to help you look refreshed and awake for classes! If you want to go all out and beat your whole face, well do that too, honey! After you actually get dressed, you should be ready to take on the day. I hope this helps you all with your school beauty routines. Stay tuned for more news in beauty, fashion and more!