AMAZING Holiday Gift Sets for Every Makeup Junkie in Your Life... Or Yourself
Lipstick, glitter, eyeshadow, glitter, blush, glitter, bronzer and GLITTER! The holidays are fast approaching, and no makeup look during...

ipsy Subscription Boxes
I will never forget the tragic day I ran out of my favorite eyeliner. Without hesitation, I drove to my local and trusty Ulta in search...

5 Ways to Style the Infamous IKEA Cart
The infamous IKEA cart is one of the best ways to organize in a tiny space. It’s the perfect size for your college apartment or dorm room...

5 Ways to Look Expensive
First impressions are key. The number one concern we have when making a good impact on a new person is the desire to put your best foot...

5 Fall Looks To Glam Up Your Style
Fall is the best season for glam and there are endless ways to change up your looks to match the season. Here are five fun looks you can...

The Ultimate Closet Inspiration
Everyone dreams of what he or she wants their big beautiful closet to look like in their dream home. There are many styles of closets to...

My Fab Fit Fun Experience
You are lying if you say that you have never heard of Fab Fit Fun. If you have any sort of social media and follow any d-list celebrity,...

Slay the School Day
Hello to all of my lovely beauty enthusiasts on campus! We're almost through the first full month of school and we're slowly getting back...
What is Eco-Friendly Makeup and Why is it Important?
The concept of ecofriendly and cruelty free makeup is thrown around a lot but what is it exactly and what brands are actually ecofriendly...

Cheap or expensive, makeup is for everyone
“Darling, can you hand me that powder brush?” the mother asks from her high heels as her fascinated daughter watches admiringly. The...