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ipsy Subscription Boxes

I will never forget the tragic day I ran out of my favorite eyeliner.

Without hesitation, I drove to my local and trusty Ulta in search of my favorite eyeliner. To my dismay, it had been discontinued. This pivotal point in my life tested my patience when I found out it was no longer being distributed to me. I remember the deep feeling of frustration that I had driven all the way to Ulta to get something they didn't even have.

As I was driving back home feeling defeated, an add popped up on my Instagram feed for a subscription box company by the name of "ipsy". I was intrigued. The thought of makeup being delivered monthly to my door was astonishing. I knew I just had to sign up when I saw all that I could get per month for the low price of 10 dollars.

Inside ipsy's subscription box is a little zip bag that is customized specifically for you. Although the packaging is everything, what's inside the bag is what is the most exciting. Inside, you can find about 50 dollars worth of sample sized or mini-sized beauty products. The amazing thing about all of these items is that they are all personalized to a "beauty quiz" that you take before your personalized bag is actually sent to you. You can tailor your bag to what you need the most. Ipsy has multiple beauty products featured for you to pick from. Hair products, face masks, skin products, beauty tools, and of course makeup are just a few of the cute mini sized presents you will receive in your personalized ipsy box!

The ipsy product that saved my life was from Colourpop, a brand I had never even heard of before I started ordering my ipsy bags around 2016. It was a greenish blue tint of perfectly patted eyeshadow. I was literally obsessed. I even bought a prom dress just so I could wear this eyeshadow to match. I was hooked, and ever since that day I have been a loyal fan of Colourpop's brand.

All of these great things are what will come into your life when you simply subscribe to ipsy. Great quality products, cute pouches you can keep forever, and exceptional customer service are all things you can expect to receive once you subscribe. Subscribe today and save yourself the gas, time, and money!

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