Joggers Aren't Just for Jogging
It practically went from summer to winter here in Lexington, leaving most of us fashionably unprepared. The cold temperatures are hard to...

Make Your Outfit- Accessorize!
We all know that feeling of going shopping, finding the perfect outfit, and going home eager to put it on. You get dressed and stand in...

Getting Prepared for Award Show Season
Award show season is on the horizon and these tips and tricks will help you be the ultimate award pro. Get familiar with the award...

Why You Should Rush in the Spring
Rushing a sorority is costly, time-consuming, and stressful. But rushing a sorority is also fun, exciting, life-changing, and is worth...

Your Guide to Layering This Fall
Everyone has layers to their personalities and so do their outfits! Each layer that you add can show off more of your personality. I love...

5 Fall Looks To Glam Up Your Style
Fall is the best season for glam and there are endless ways to change up your looks to match the season. Here are five fun looks you can...

Dating in the Age of Social Media
Is your relationship social media ready? That sounds like a crazy question to ask, but it’s valid if you’re dating during this social...

Go to College for Free!
Let's get real, college is hard, especially when you are trying to pay for it. When I was a senior in high school, I was petrified of...

Cold Weather Reading List
As the weather cools down and snow begins to fall, we will begin spending more and more time inside. In Kentucky, we are used to the...

Voting is Important, and Here is Why
Having the ability to vote allows voters to choose and voice their opinions and stances on issues. Voting allows you to choose political...